這是北京知名弹弓講師 - 狼獾先生 本名宋紅山  於美國 SS論壇 POST 的 講解-


1、皮筋的作用: 我发现了“皮 定律”,做出最适合弹弓使用的皮筋,控制一个皮筋的拉伸值就做完成最好的皮筋,另外皮筋越细效能越高,4根环闭绑法形成8股,拉力16公斤左右,打11mm直径钢珠最好


1, Elastic role: I found a "rubber band's Law" to make the best use of rubber band slingshot to control the value of a rubber band to stretch the rubber band to make the completion of the best, another thinner rubber band performance of the higher four ring closure France tied the formation of 8 shares rally about 16 kilograms, playing the best 11 mm diameter steel ball

2, muscle ability: the use of human muscle power, this is more important than the rubber band, requires skill and practice to master the Can be played around the impact point farthest 300M

但因翻譯軟體關係  加上狼先生無校稿關係 以致老外 不太能理解 發言有一些輕蔑意味  惹惱狼教授 回覆如下:







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