實測尼加拉瓜彈弓 約 10 米距離. 靶為鐵質飲料罐 . 彈丸 3/8" 珠. 對照組 中國製德設計裝1745 -4股管膠美洲獅 與 英國米爾博 裝 7mm方膠.
結果這尼加拉瓜彈弓 威力相當於 4 股 1745 管膠 它是用很像泰國那種小條 方形天然橡膠. 每打5發舊有一發命中.與高科技製造的彈弓相比很不賴
Went test these two puppies this moring. aslo bring couger and milbro to compare with. ammo 3/8" BB
Target distance is about 10 meter (33ft) a pop can hang on a wire
Result are better than my expected , these two rustic slingshots from Nicaragua have the power similar to 4 strand Chinese 1745 tube. I found they are easy to shot and pretty accurate . I had tried both , each 5 shots have 1 hits first time not bad !
My first time with Milbro - 20 shots , 0 hit